Graduation Day!


From the Executive Director

And just like that the 2018-19 year has come to an end!

As always, we ended the year with a bang, literally, as we celebrated our tutor and student graduates with our traditional rocket launch. It was a glorious day, not just weather wise, but also because of the excitement and joy felt by all who attended. The morning began with our rocket launch led by our resident rocket scientist, Dave Gauthier, and each student got to launch their rocket twice. Then, it was onto the graduation!

For all of us present, it was so apparent that these three children left Sliding Doors with not just vastly improved reading skills but also the confidence that they can conquer the world. I chose the above quote because we always say that confidence is just as an important a goal for us and it was so awesome to watch these students leave with their head held high.

So, to our 2019 tutor graduates...your hard work and dedication for the past two years has made a difference in these children's lives that has forever altered their path. Your faith in our mission has also helped SD2 grow and as a result will help that many more children. We are grateful beyond measure.

And to our 2019 student graduates...never lose the confidence that you had at graduation. You will have your moments of doubt, disappointment, and even failure, but never let that diminish the belief that you, and all of us, have in you. We watched all of you grow into the amazing people you are beginning to be and know that all of us will be better off because of the contributions you will make to this world.

What's new at SDSquared

St. Bernadette:

It's a wrap! We ended our year with our rocket build and celebrated on the last day with bubbles and treats. The students ended the year strong with vastly improved reading skills and a joy for all things STEM. We will miss them and look forward to their return in the fall!

Science Saturday:

And of course we had graduation! The morning began with our rocket launch. All students got to launch their rocket twice and all were successful! We were joined by the principal, Barbara Dalmut, and the Pastor, Fr. Don, of St. Bernadette School and we were thrilled to have them join in the celebration. Then it was onto the graduation. We celebrated our first three tutor graduates and our newest student graduates with gifts, words, and of course Igloo Cake! We will miss them all greatly but they will always be a part of the SD2 family!

Krista Gauthier