“Sliding Doors(Dyslexic Edge) was a wonderful experience for my daughter who entered the program before she was diagnosed with dyslexia. Sliding Doors provided not only Incredible learning and enriching opportunities for the children but also resources and support for the parents. We miss being a part of SD2!”
Students get the benefit of one on one tutoring with the fun and support of being part of a group!
Our after-school program for students in grades 1-5 offers both specialized reading tutoring in a group setting along with STEM enrichment activities. We are currently located at Holy Spirit School and St. Bernadette. If you want this program at your school, contact us at krista@sdsquared.org.
Participants meet twice a week for 90 minutes.
In the first 45 minutes, students receive one on one tutoring using the IDA certified and highly successful Institute for Multisensory Education (IMSE) curriculum
In the last 45 minutes, we do hands-on STEM projects and activities
STEM units have included everything from Kitchen Chemistry, to the Science of Music, to All things Space, and more.
Our STEM program also includes our monthly Science Saturdays where students travel to local museums, science centers, organizations, and companies. Different experiences have included tours of National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, Carderock Naval Lab, Thinkabit Qualcomm lab, OGSystems and more. On some Science Saturdays we provide parents with the opportunity to hear from a speaker on such relevant topics as assistive technology, evaluating for dyslexia, and more.
To find a program near you, contact us at krista@sdsquared.org.
Student Selection
Step 1: Informational Meetings and Application
- We kick off our enrollment period with an info meeting where we explain our program to interested parents and students
- We then accepted applications at the meeting and for the week following
- Students are taken on a first come, first serve basis. If we have more students than spots, a waitlist will be started
Step 2: Evaluation
- Prior to our first session, we conduct an informal evaluation to see if our tutoring methodology would benefit the student.
- We also conduct an interview with the parent or guardian to hear why they believe their student would benefit and to assess their economic need
Step 3: Begin the program
- Once we have filled each slot, we kick off the program!
- In order for our methodology to be effective, students need to be in our program for 2 years. For this reason, we ask families to fill out a contract, acknowledging the level of commitment.